The EDI is an online Survey that measures the strength of emotional detachment a departing employee has to an organisation by assessing the relative “Push” and “Pull” forces leading to their decision to leave.  The EDI Feedback Report provides HR professionals with quantitative data that can be used as a stand-alone exit measure or can be used to support a meaningful and targeted exit interview for both the interviewer (HR) and interviewee (the departing employee).

The Process

Departing employees complete the Employee Detachment Inventory Survey which contains 64 elements (asking employees to rate their level of “satisfaction” and “importance”) during their notice period.  The Survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and within seconds of completion, the shcBOND platform will generate an EDI Feedback Report that is emailed directly to the HRBP.

Key Benefits of the EDI:

  • Collect accurate quantitative and qualitative data using Detachment scores showing Push and Pull forces

  • Provides valuable insights for HR to conduct targeted and meaningful exit interviews focusing on the “push forces” of the departing employee

  • Removes the possibility of the employee’s feedback being lost in translation

  • Powerful trend reporting is also available at demographic level including by manager, department, location, job family, job title and more

  • Supports the development of targeted strategies at the organisational level to help reduce the risk of unwanted attrition and identify opportunities to increase effort and performance across a workforce


The EDI measures “satisfaction” and “importance” levels of departing employees across 64 elements that are grouped into 12 Drivers.

1. Position

2. Capability

3. Colleagues

4. Resources, Systems and Equipment

5. Achievement

6. Manager

7. Security & Safety

8. Growth & Development

9. Senior Leadership

10. Rewards & Recognition

11. Balance

12. Organisation

Download our Sample EDI+ Feedback Report


The EDI Survey a 15 minute survey emailed to the departing employee during their notice period and is accessed using a browser interface and completed on any device.

The EDI Feedback Report is presented in the form of Dashboard.  The Dashboard contains an overall Employee Score and individual “Push” or “Pull” scores across 64 Elements that are grouped into 12 Drivers – each with a Driver score together with an “importance” score per Driver and Element. The EDI Feedback Report includes 12 Driver Pages and optional Verbatim Comments for the interviewee to explore with the departing employeeVerbatim Comments are also included at the back of the EDI Feedback Report based on the departing employee’s additional optional comments left at the end of the EDI Survey.