Q.1 What is Employee Attachment?

“Employee Attachment” refers to the strength of bond created between a new employee and the organisation within the first 120 days of employment. Attachment is the foundation for creating highly engaged individuals, teams and organisations.

Q.2 We already have a tool in place for measuring Employee Engagement. Why should we consider using the EAI?

The EAI will not replace your Engagement measure.  The EAI measures your new employees Attachment perceptions they form during the first during the first 120 days (The Critical Attachment Period) that impacts early attrition and discretionary effort and performance within the first 12-18 months of employment. We encourage clients to use the EAI in conjunction with their existing Engagement metrics or in conjunction with our Employee Connection Inventory (ECI).

Q.3 Budget is an issue…

We understand the impact of budget restrictions and we also know that HR professionals are under increasing pressure to demonstrate ROI for each of their initiatives.  We can put together a package that suits your requirements and budget and headcount.

Q.4 We don’t do much recruitment and we don’t have any immediate plans to recruit.

That’s ok.  We have packages to suit all business sizes and recruitment volumes – even if you are hiring between 5-10 people per year or 1000 plus people per year.  We have the option to tailor a pricing package to suit your needs from upfront credits or a 12 month Annual Permit for all of our instruments.

Q.5 Can you please help me put together a Business Case to present to my SLT team to help me get approval to implement any of your instruments?

Yes we have a few key powerpoint slides that we can send you and go through with you before you present to your SLT Team.  These slides focus on the cost benefit analysis that is targeted to CEO’s and CFO’s.

Q.6 We would like to try the the EAI, ECI and or EDI – before we commit to implementing this across our organisation is this possible?

We recommend that if you would like to showcase the EAI, ECI or EDI you can start with a small pilot.  Your organisation can purchase 20 credits upfront to pilot any of our instruments.  We can produce your trend data for this pilot group that you are able to present to your SLT to support the wider implementation and approval of any of our instruments internally.

Q.7 Do we have to implement all three instruments – the EAI, ECI and EDI or can we just choose one?

You can choose to implement one, most of our clients start with one or two first and then will decide to implement our other instruments.  You may choose to start with our Connection measure across your entire workforce and then focus on your new employees with our EAI and then departing with our EDI.

Q.8 What kind of support does shcBOND provide with our implementation and ongoing use of the EAI/ECI and EDI.

We partner with our clients to support implementation that includes our recommended internal stakeholder communications, internal manager and HR training, shcBOND system training and trend report data analysis debriefing and reporting.

Q.9 If my organisation decides to start with just one measure first, which one would you recommend out of the EAI, ECI or EDI?

Our expert shcBOND team will discuss with you to find out what your immediate requirements are to help you work out which instrument will best suit your needs first.

Q.10 How much time is required by my HR Team to implement any of your instruments?  My time is limited as a HRD and I need each Manager to take responsibility for the process.

Our team at shcBOND will support your HR Team and line managers with implementation, we can provide line managers and HR teams with overview sessions and also present to your SLT team.  We will tailor our support to your requirements.

Q.11 What does the patent and copyright mean?

Our instruments are protected by copyright and patent laws.  The means that any information provided to your and your organisation by Sork HC relating to Employee Attachment, Connection and Detachment is done so on acceptance to be bound by these laws.

Q.12 What research has your organisation carried out for the EAI?

Please go to our Research Paper located under Research Paper in our Home Page to read more about our extensive research.

Q.13 Is the EAI a valid business tool?

The EAI is a valid business tool that meets the standard for both reliability and validity of psychometric instruments.

Q.14 How long does each Survey take to complete?

The EAI is on average a 14 minute Survey.  Our ECI and EDI Surveys take between 12-20 minutes.

Q.15 How have you positioned the EAI with Managers from your existing client base?

The EAI is positioned as a talent retention/performance enhancing tool which helps the Manager to pinpoint and address any concerns flagged within the Report. It’s important for Managers to be aware of such concerns so that they can have an opportunity to correct them. This is not a performance management tool for the Manager or the Employee.

Q.16 Do the Managers feel like we’re testing their performance as people leaders?

No. The EAI is not a test; it’s simply a mechanism for the organisation to collate objective data to improve their on-boarding process. All clients are provided with a robust communications plan which positions the tool appropriately for each stakeholder group.

Q.17 How much time is required by the HR department to implement this tool? My time is limited and I need each Manager to take responsibility for the process.

Implementing the EAI is designed to be fast and hassle free. We understand the time pressures of HR professionals and Managers. There are only 3 steps to implement the tool, and you’ll have a dedicated Sork HC Product Manager to help you at each point.

Q.18 What does the patent & copyright mean?

The EAI is protected by copyright and patent laws. This means that any information provided to you or your organisation by Sork HC relating to Employee Attachment and Employee Perception Measurement is done so on acceptance and agreement to be bound by these laws.

Q.19 How many complimentary trials can my organisation have?

For a complimentary trial of the EAI/ECI or EDI, it is best to contact one of our shcBOND Product Managers to arrange a meeting to find out which instrument is the best fit for your business right now.