Sork HC privacy and confidentiality policy

We take your individual right to privacy seriously; any personal information collected by Sork HC through the shcBOND system is treated as confidential. Personal information is as defined in the relevant legislation and regulations in all locations where our shcBOND system is used. Where information is supplied by individuals in the form of survey responses, the purpose of that information is declared to the participant before they provide it.

We are committed to handling the information you provide responsibly. We will take every reasonable and practical precaution to safeguard the security, integrity and privacy of this information; including periodically reviewing and updating our security measures in light of current technologies and legislation. Please note that this privacy information will be updated as appropriate.

Australian privacy legislation compliance
Sork Human Capital Pty Ltd (ABN: 68 127 386 341) complies with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 as amended, the New South Wales, Australia, Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 as amended from time to time and all other relevant legislation and regulations.
Scope of policy
The scope of this policy includes both online and offline data use and collection. This policy covers Sork HC as well as any subsidiaries and affiliates.
Information collection and types

Sork HC may gather certain personal information about individuals taking the shcBOND survey that is provided by their organisations. This is to assist us in evaluating survey question responses. This information includes:

  • Employee first and last names, age, and contact information including email address and phone number
  • Position and workplace information and dates of employment
  • Demographic information including but not limited to gender, age, location and qualification level
  • Management names and contact information

We may also track information such as the domain name and the name of the web page from which you entered our Site. We may collect IP addresses and website usage information from you when you visit our Site via the use of “cookies.” An IP address is a number that is assigned to your computer when you are using your browser on the Internet.

A cookie is a small file that is stored on the hard drive of your computer ready for future access when you return to our Site. We use cookies to deliver web content specific to you. Cookies cannot pass viruses, harm your computer or pass on private information such as an email address without the computer user’s intervention. We do not use persistent cookies i.e., cookies that stay in your browser after completion of a survey session.

Data use and sharing
All personal information about individuals and confidential information about organisations that use shcBOND is and will remain confidential and secure. Information collected in the form of survey responses from individuals will be used to create both individual consultative reports and trended group reports provided back to the client organisation. Responses will inform and be used to create reports about the experience of individual employees. Respondents are informed of the intended use of their survey responses and are asked to agree to the use of this information in this way by commencing the relevant surveys. From time to time, data from multiple clients will be used to create market trend reports which will be published. At no time will any one individual or any one client be identifiable through this information.
Personal information

Sork HC’s guiding principle in the use of data collected in employee perception measurement surveys is that this data may be used for any purpose known to the survey respondent prior to the provision of such data.

The personal information we collect is used only for the purpose we state at the time of collection or for the purpose of creating market trend reports—without identifying the individual or organisations whose information is used.

Our Website does not collect personally identifiable information when you browse the Site unless you voluntarily and knowingly provide such information to us. This means that we will not know your name, your email address, or any other personally identifiable information just because you browse the Site unless you:

  • Access the Site from a link in an email that we have sent to you;
  • Have created a profile and you either log-in to your account or choose to be remembered via your cookie or your web-enabled mobile device.

Security of information

Other than those who act on our behalf and except as explained in this Policy, information collected by Sork HC will not be transferred to unrelated third parties, unless we have your permission to do so. However, please note that personal information provided to our Site may be subject to disclosure pursuant to judicial or other government subpoenas, warrants or orders. We will only provide this information following receipt of a valid subpoena or other legal process in a civil case. Sork HC retains web server logs indefinitely for diagnostic purposes.

Your privacy and the security of your personal information are important to us. We maintain and protect the security of our servers and your personal information. To secure the information we collect online, prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy and ensure only appropriate use of information, we have established appropriate physical, electronic and management safeguards. We require user names and passwords to access sensitive data. Unless you authorize unencrypted transmission, we will use industry standard encryption methods to protect your data transmission.

Any personal information collected by Sork HC will not be released unless the law requires it or your permission is given. We provide a secure environment and a reliable system, but you should be aware that there may be inherent risks associated with the transmission of information via the Internet.

Sork HC and our partners have instituted procedures and controls, which ensure that emails sent on behalf of clients are secure and adhere fully to customer instructions.

Sork HC client data is stored on dedicated servers in secure data centres with strict access control limits to prevent unauthorised access. All data in and out of the website is encrypted using SSL encryption while it is transmitted over the internet.

Acknowledgment & Indemnity

In commencing this shcBOND survey you acknowledge that you are doing so of your own free will and fully aware that the answers given to the shcBOND survey will be used by your employer.  You indemnify Sork HC (global administrator) or Anthony James Sork (owner) against any claim you may have for loss or damage arising from any decision made by your employer arising from their assessment of the results of the shcBOND survey. You undertake to the global administrator and the owner to treat any information provided at the time you undertake the shcBOND survey as confidential.

What Happens When We Update Our Privacy Policy?

We may on occasion update our Policy. Your acceptance of any minor changes to this Policy is indicated by your continued use of our Services. If we make any material changes to our Policy, we will post a notice about the change at a prominent location on our Site. We encourage you to periodically review our Site and this Policy for any changes.

What Happens If We Sell Our Business?

While we do not anticipate it, every business nowadays should plan for the possibility that it might sell certain or all of its assets to another company or individual, or that it might buy certain assets of another company or individual. If all or part of the company is sold, merged or otherwise transferred to another entity, the personal information you have provided to us may be transferred as part of that transaction. However, we will take steps to ensure that your personal information is used in a manner consistent with the provisions of our Privacy Policy.

California Privacy legislation compliance

In accordance with the California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA), Cal. Bus. & Prof. § 22575 (2003), this policy outlines shcBOND’s collection, storage, and transactions with personally identifiable information of users in California.

Online tracking

There is no long-term tracking of users; therefore a Do Not Track (DNT) signal is ignored in all cases and we perform no DNT checks throughout the entire site. Since the application does not track user browsing, only web server logs are recorded. Additionally, there is no third party software platform used on the site.

Individual choice and access

Any personal information input by the user can be updated or removed by the user upon login.

Effective date

This policy has been updated and will be effective as from 12 March 2021.


For further information contact:

Anthony Sork
Managing Director
Sork HC

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